Monday, May 25, 2009

Kieryn Carnes, 2008 Oregon State Ambassador Queen

Not Only is Kieryn one of the cutest most polite young lady I have ever met, I have also had the honor of photographing her since she was 3 months old & did I mention photogenic!!!

Kieryn earned her way to Disneyland last year as
Oregon State Ambassador Queen in the the National
American Miss Program & I am sure Mickey and the gang
will see here again this year!

I just got a call from Kieryn and the State pagent was this weekend. She was 1st runner-up overall, 1st place most photogenic, 1st place casual wear & many more.... Disneyland here she comes!!! Interested in sponsering her?

email at

1 comment:

tonya dragt said...

Very beautiful little girl! So sweet!