Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yesterday I had the privilege of meeting Debbie, her daughter & grand kids were visiting from Seattle so perfect time for pictures! This beautiful location is actually in the entrance to Debbie's home. What a bunch of cutie's!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Whitney Morgan

Whitney has an up and coming modeling career ahead of her. So we needed some swimsuit pics for her agent! The crazy part is I still remember when she was born! Our dads had been friends since they were her age. She is also one of my Sutherlin 2010 ambassadors! So there will be plenty more post of Whitney.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tessa Knight 2010 Senior Ambassador

Tessa is one of my Sutherlin High ambassadors. We will be doing several sessions this year here is a peak at her rep cards.

Cousins we'll always be, Special friends from the same family tree

This group of cousins were great fun! It helps also that the parents are good friends :) At this age just capture them the way they are FUN!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Kieryn Carnes, 2008 Oregon State Ambassador Queen

Not Only is Kieryn one of the cutest most polite young lady I have ever met, I have also had the honor of photographing her since she was 3 months old & did I mention photogenic!!!

Kieryn earned her way to Disneyland last year as
Oregon State Ambassador Queen in the the National
American Miss Program & I am sure Mickey and the gang
will see here again this year!

I just got a call from Kieryn and the State pagent was this weekend. She was 1st runner-up overall, 1st place most photogenic, 1st place casual wear & many more.... Disneyland here she comes!!! Interested in sponsering her?

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